Secret Crush Surprise Large & Small Dolls – Sundae Swirl, Winnie Wafflecone Candy-Themed Hammer, Heart-Shaped Display Case for Storage & A Stand, Beads & Lanyard for DIY Jewelry – Kids Ages 3+

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CRUSH TO UNBOX! The whole package is full of surprises. In order for these secrets to be revealed, we have included a special candy-shaped hammer. Strike on the heart-shaped package and meet your 13-inch exclusive doll and mini best friend.
I’M SUNDAE SWIRL, HAPPY TO MEET YOU! I am an ice-cream themed doll and I love taking life one scoop at a time. I may be a little wild and swirly, but secretly, I just love chilling with my best friend.
BUILD YOUR SECRET BESTIE! There are little secrets hidden inside so be sure to explore the doll and storage for even more surprises. Always utilize Sundae Swirl’s candy-shaped hammer to discover the little Secrets!
FIND WINNIE WAFFLECONE INSIDE TOO! Find sweet surprises to unwrap and cute collectible beads. There’s always a lot of crushing when I’m around. And then end with the best friends mention.
DISCOVER STRING BEADS! Customize Winnie Wafflecone’s hairstyle by putting beads, she likes shaking her high hairdo to hear the beads all jingle together. Style and share it with your toy dolls.
HEART DISPLAY CASE: Case doubles as storage and a display case for your large doll. Collect both Sundae Swirl and Pippa Posie and their mini best friends
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